Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday Hump Day

If the week was a hill, Wednesday would be the hump.

During my morning walk, I was listening to Ayn Rand's Philosophy and then my phone went dead. I have a T-Mobile Dash. It's nifty. Plays music and audio books. Keeps my address book handy. Email. Camera. Yetta. Yetta. For some reason, the phone just started to spontaneously shut down a few weeks ago. It will be fine for a few days and then BAM. Shut down. I know. I know. I need to call T-Mobile. It goes on the to do list.

My friend Lynn, posts her to do list on her blog almost everyday. I think that's a great idea. I have a to do list in my planner, but posting it on the blog makes it visible to the world. I'd be more likely to "git'er dun" if I knew the whole world was watching! (Okay, so right now I have one follower, but you get the point.) BTW - Lynn is giving away one of her hand-poured hand-painted Piggy Banks at her blog. There isn't much time left to win, so hurry up and go enter!! (Click Here)

Oh - back to the morning walk! So, the city picked up all the hurricane debris in the neighborhood on Monday. Today, the street sweeper was making the street look pretty and kicking up dust in his wake. What struck me, as I walked around looking at the lack of branch and shrub piles, is that they have been replaced by dry patches of dirt surrounded by fresh white and yellowish-green shoots of grass. Only 2 days and the grass is already beginning to shoot up. Mother Nature is so amazing.

I need a better name for this blog. Any suggestions?

And in true copycat fashion. Here is my To Do List:

  • Call T-Mobile
  • Dispute Freight Invoices (from 3 different carriers, no less)
  • Clean Master Bathroom
  • Mail Presents
  • Library
  • Join a Book Club
  • Contact FEMA for my aunt (she's out of the country and her home was hit very hard by Ike)



Nanny Goats In Panties said...

I see you have "Mail Presents" on your to do list, so if you need my address...

Also? Now you have TWO followers!

- Margaret

Lynn - the piggy bank painter said...

I will follow you....

I thought I was, until I realized the other day I hadn't read anything from you lately. So now I am : )

And if I don't write my lists, I can't remember what I have to do....I post it just so I can look at it, and everyone looks at it too : )

Kandas | GratitudeGeek said...

Woo Hoo. 3 Followers! I think I might vote for Nanny Goats in Panties for president.